I'm having a problem with multiline attribute of textfield, as soon as i
use it, the text in the textfield does not seem to 'refresh correctly...

for example, if I make:
$callMessage=$queueManMenu->AddTextfield (
        -left   =>      45,
        -top    =>      190,
        -multiline=>    1,
        -prompt =>      'Message*',
        -name   =>      'callMessage',
        -size   =>      [255,100],
        -tabstop=>      1,

and then type '11111111' into it, left arrow over a couple, then type
say '222', the 1's that were in that 'place' where i started typing the
2's are still there.. now if i select all the text in the textfield, or
even those three characters, it displays correctly.  I've tried a few
workarounds through the _Change method, to no avail...



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