Ron LEVER wrote:
> I tried replacing Window with DialogBox which gave me
> the message "Can't call method "ScaleWidth" on undefined
> value at c:\  line 190"

that's a real Bad Thing that sometime happens ;-)
the module is trying to resize the DialogBox before
even having finished to create it; in other words,
while in the creation phase, the initial size-giving
produces a _Resize event!

you can workaround this by placing an extra check
in your Main_Resize sub:

> sub Main_Resize
> {
      if(defined $main) {
>         my $w  = $main->ScaleWidth();
>         my $h  = $main->ScaleHeight();
> }

I could probably add some sanity check here and
there to delay event propagation after the object
is effectively created, but it does not look like
an easy task :-)


$_=q,just perl,,s, , another ,,s,$, hacker,,print;

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