Hi Felice

        In one of Aldo's samples (treeview.pl), he has this code
        illustrating the use of SetFocus()

        $IndentNew = $IndentWin->AddTextfield(
            -text   =>  $TV->Indent(),
            -name   =>  "IndentNew",
            -left   =>  10, 
            -top    => 40,
            -width  => 100, 
            -height => 25,

        sub Indent_Click {
            $IndentVal->Text("Indent value = ".$TV->Indent());
            $IndentNew->Select(0, length($IndentNew->Text()));
            return 1;


        while I'm at it, has anyone figured out how to successfully create
multiple groups of radio buttons ?
        I'm able to create multiple groups but then the radio buttons all
act as if they're in the same
        group. For example if I click on radio buttonA in group1, thats
fine, it gets selected but if
        I then click on radiobuttonC in group2, it gets selected which is
good but it also causes 
        the selected button in group1 to be deselected ! 

        Any solutions to this?

        Thanks Barry

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, April 12, 1999 7:41 PM
> Subject:      [perl-win32-gui] setfocus
> Hello all,
> I was wondering if there is support for setfocus.   That is, in Visual
> Basic I can do something like   text3.setfocus
> Also, I know there there isn't much documentation, but is there some link
> or something that I can find more documentation that already exists when I
> install Win32::GUI?
> Thanks,
> Felice

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