mike agrees. no probs here.
sorry about the pollution.... forgot about that one.
can't wait to see it.

Mike Kangas

Aldo Calpini wrote:

> I had the time recently to play a little with Mike Kangas
> GridLayout.pm, and I've made some ehnancements (well, I
> hope you'll consider them so ;-).
> basically, I've added an alternative constructor (wrt new),
> called apply(), which "binds" the layout to an existing window,
> addressing Mike's problem with window size <-> client size.
> you can then add() controls to the layout, so you don't need
> to bother with -left and -top.
> finally, you call recalc() and everything goes into place!
> you can even put recalc() in the window's Resize event,
> so that the grid layout follows dinamically the window
> resizing.
> and that's all, more or less. I've changed the name of the
> module to Win32::GUI::GridLayout (we can't pollute ;-), added
> a version number and written some (unfinished) pod.
> if Mike agrees, I would like to ship the module with the
> Win32::GUI package, even if it still remains a separate
> "support" package (eg. you need to explicitly use
> Win32::GUI::GridLayout).
> let me know what do you think and feel free to make any
> change you like; I really appreciate your contribution to
> Win32::GUI :-)
> cheers,
> Aldo Calpini
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                     Name: GridLayout.pm
>    GridLayout.pm    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                 Encoding: quoted-printable
>                Name: grid4.pl
>    grid4.pl    Type: Perl Program (application/x-perl)
>            Encoding: 7bit

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