Hello Aaron,

Wednesday, May 17, 2000, 14:57:44, you wrote:
AS> And my line 62 reads:
AS>my $x = $Dialog->>$FirstName->Text();

I am also relativly new to Win32::GUI, but I might be able to help here.
 First off without seeing the rest of code it's hard to figure out
 exactly what's going on.  Some assumptions I have to make... first
 your Window or Dialogbox is assigned to $Dialog.  Next I have to assume
that $FirstName is assigned to your text field like this.

ex. $FirstName = $Main->AddTextfield(-name    => "First_Textfield",
                                     -text    => "",
                                     -left    => 10,
                                     -top     => 20,

If this is the case you can actually get the value in the field with
the following line of code assuming that your request is within the
scope of variable $FirstName;

$x = $FirstName->Text();

To simplify things I would do the following.  Don't bother assigning a
variable to your Textfield and just refer to it by the name assigned
to it.

$Dialog->AddTextfield(-name => "First_Textfield",
                      -text => "",
                      -left => 10,
                      -top  => 20,
## To get the value in the text field use the line below
$x = $Dialog->First_Textfield->Text();


I hope this helps.

Best regards,
 Cam                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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