> I have a program I wrote (originally for straight command-line
> type perl) that I'm converting over to use the WIn32::GUI module.
> In it, I use 3 hashes (named %style1, %style2, and %style3), all
> containing anonymous arrays, to house a bunch of strings (the
> program is for making curses-type text).  Now, for some reason,
> in straight perl, the hashes work perfectly, but in the GUI one,
> when I try to access a certain one (for instance, $style1{'a'}[2]),
> it doesnt return anything but a blank string.  Now my best guess
> as to whats wrong is a name conflict with the hashes, but I
> changed the names and that doesnt seem to quite work, so I'm
> stuck.  Any ideas?

if you don't mind me seeing your source, try sending me the
program. there should be no problem with name conflict and
such, Win32::GUI has nothing to do with the main namespace.
it uses a tricky AUTOLOAD function, but I don't see how
this could impact your hashes. perhaps a debugging session
would shed some light.


$_=q,just perl,,s, , another ,,s,$, hacker,,print;

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