What was the problem with the volume control?


On Thu, 9 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Todd!!  I tried the same things!  I got fairly close to making a usable
> interface, but when I asked the winamp folks for help (7 times) I never got a
> response.  I have code I can send if you would like it, it's fairly complete,
> except for the volume control (which was what I was writing to winamp about)  if
> you would like to see it.
> The answer to your question is that I had to go to MS's website and get the
> value of the WM_USER constant, which I then set since it wasn't being exported
> by Win32::GUI.
> HTH,
> Chuck
> Todd McLaughlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/08/2000 07:37:25 PM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         
>  cc:      (bcc: Chuck Hirstius/Corp/Walgreens)                
>  Subject: [perl-win32-gui] Need Help from Winamp Users        
> Winamp published a list of codes to control the program using
> SendMessage().  The web page is listed in my code below.
> I can get the set of WM_COMMAND codes to work (stop and play), but not the
> WM_USERS codes (mute and status.  I have no way of knowing if the problem
> is caused by my code, Win32::GUI, or Winamp.  I'd appreciate it if any
> Winamp users could take a quick look at this.
> Thanks!
> Todd
> use Win32::GUI;
> #Win32::GUI home: http://dada.perl.it/
> #Win32::GUI docs: http://dada.perl.it/gui_docs/Win32_GUI.html#Version
> #Winamp docs: http://www.winamp.com/nsdn/winamp2x/dev/sdk/api.jhtml
> $winampHandle = Win32::GUI::FindWindow("Winamp v1.x", "");
> print "Handle: $winampHandle\n";
> ## STATUS ##
> #print Win32::GUI::PostMessage( $winampHandle, WM_USER, 101, 0 );
> #print Win32::GUI::PostMessage( $winampHandle, WM_USER, 0, 101 );
> ## MUTE ##
> #Win32::GUI::SendMessage( $winampHandle, WM_USER, 122, 0 );
> #Win32::GUI::SendMessage( $winampHandle, WM_USER, 0, 122 );
> ## PLAY ##
> #Win32::GUI::SendMessage( $winampHandle, WM_COMMAND, 40045, 0 );
> ## STOP ##
> #Win32::GUI::SendMessage( $winampHandle, WM_COMMAND, 40047, 0 );

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