hello hello hello,

I've finally hunted to death the cursed
bug with mangled output from Textfield!

for those who are interested, it was my
fault at all: in the WM_CTLCOLOR* message
processing (to support -background and
-foreground options), I added an ingenuos:

    SetBkMode((HDC) wParam, TRANSPARENT)

this was needed to properly colorize
Labels, but was incorrectly applied to
other controls too.
obviously, the background of the Textfield
was marked as TRANSPARENT, so scrolling
did not clear the content of the background
area and the display was all garbled.
I still don't understand why I did not
noticed it before, I seem to remember having
done lot of tests commenting out parts of the
message processing loop, but apparently I
experienced a temporary brain blackout :-)
other than that, this version has a nice
Scroll() method for Textfield and RichEdit.
I have also added a sample for the Splitter
I'm working on the documentation, which is
now splitted in fewer files:
- packages.html
- methods.html
- options.html
- events.html

I've done a lot of work to cross-reference
things back and forth, I hope it is somewhat
clearer this way. Still very very incomplete,
though. If someone wants to help with it,
this is your chance to offer a hand :-)

as always, binaries for 5.005 and 5.6.0 will
follow as PPM packages.


$_=q,just perl,,s, , another ,,s,$, hacker,,print;


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