I guess I has a similar problem. I has a shopping cart script
I've tried
Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);
and made all them work.

I've noticed that with some addresses in field From:
script didn't sent  mail without any errors.
Seems that SMTP server  performs  some checks of address in From: field
Hope I gave an idea.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fabio Quintão (Perl++)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Perl forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 7:20 PM
Subject: Problems sending a email with perl!!

> Hi all.
>     i'm trying to send a confirmation email after people submit a form in
> site.well i 'm using a Mail::Sender  module that i saw somewhere on the
> Internet.The problem is:I can received a message the tells me that the
> was sent with success but i'm not receiving the message i sent to me just
> confirm that it really works.
>     The code seems to be ok without an error and because of that i need
> help to solve.The SMTP server is ok but the only thing that makes me
> is that i need to type a password when send a regular mail in my machine.i
> don't know if it can be a problem.The Module i already had installed in my
> machine using ppm.Why it does not working?
> I hope someone can help me!
> Thanks in advance
> Fabio   .
> #! C:/perl/bin/perl.exe -w
> use Mail::Sender;
> ref ($send = new Mail::Sender { from => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
>        smtp => 'smtp.locweb.com.br', boundary =>
> 'This-is-a-mail-boundary-435427'})
>    or die "Error($send) : $Mail::Sender::Error\n";
> $send->Open({to => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', subject => 'Teste'});
> $send->SendLine("How are you?");
> $send->SendLine;
> $send->Send(<<'__HTML');
> Isto é um teste
> __HTML
> $send->Close;
> print "It worked\n";
> Fabio Quintão
> http://www.clikimoveis.com.br
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> Any  form of  reproduction, dissemination, copying,  disclosure,
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