----- Original Message -----
From: "Lee Goddard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Perl Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 11:30 PM
Subject: ISP Can't locate loadable object....

> I'm working on an ISP who won't upgrade Perl to the current
> version, and I need the current version.
> I've got use lib, and put the PM file of HTML::TokeParser
> in the right place, but I'm being told that perl can't
> locate a loadable object form HTML::Parser.
> Is this anything to do with HTML::Parser's line
>    require DynaLoader;
>    @ISA=qw(DynaLoader);
>    HTML::Parser->bootstrap($VERSION);
> Is there any way out?
> Thanks in anticipation
> lee
> _______________________________________________

I think it's telling you that it can't find 'Parser.dll' which it will be
looking for beneath the @INC directories in the 'auto/html/parser/' sub
I notice that the '.lib' and '.exp' files are always installed in perl along
with the '.dll' so you probably need all 3 - though I don't know that for a
If you place those three files in the appropriate place it should work.
How come it can find HTML::Parser but not the dll ? - seems odd, or did you
also have to provide HTML::Parser and forgot to provide Parser.dll, etc. ?


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