
Ok - so I'm running the code below and it's working as I want - unless
either of the 2 values being written to the file is 10. (ie unless $num = 8
or 10).

If the value is 10, then I get a couple of warnings about 'use of
uninitialised value'.
'10' is the only value I've found that exhibits this disgraceful behaviour.

Ummmm ...... I'm a little hard pressed to make sense of that ........
something to do with the newline characters or the chomping perhaps ?

use warnings;
my $file = "try";
my $num = 111111112;
open (WRITEB, ">$file")
        or die "Can't open WRITEB: $!";
binmode WRITEB;
print WRITEB pack("I",$num,), "\n";
print WRITEB pack("I",$num + 2), "\n";
close (WRITEB)
         or die "Can't close WRITEB: $!";

open (READ, "$file")
        or die "Can't open READ: $!";
binmode READ;
while (<READ>) {
$ret = unpack("I", $_);
print $ret, "\n";
close (READ)
         or die "Can't close READ: $!";


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