On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 13:24:25 -0600, "Joe Schell"

>> -----Original Message-----
>> Behalf Of Morgan, Steve H.
>> Does anyone know what the process is to submit new perl modules to Active
>> State?
>Just as a guess, with the exception of the modules specifically maintained
>by ActiveState employees, everything else comes from CPAN (www.cpan.org).
>Actually the modules from the employees go there as well, but the order is
>reversed (they show up in ActiveState first then show up in CPAN.)
>Once there then you can request that ActiveState puts it in their build list
>(ppm repository.)  Not sure what that entails, but I believe part of it
>involves running the 'tests' part of the standard module and verifying that
>it works.  Of course there is probably some subjective evaluation as to
>whether it is worth their time.

It is not necessary to "request" that a module be included in the
repository anymore: for a few weeks now, the process has been running
almost fully automatic.  New or updated modules are downloaded
automatically from CPAN.  They have to build successfully *and* run their
own regression tests without failure though.

Some CPAN modules are not listing the correct prerequisite modules in
their Makefile.PL, or require special manual intervention in the build
process.  These modules are not included unless someone here at
ActiveState spends the time to create a patch for the build farm for that
module (unlikely except in rare cases).

About 2000 of the 3000 packages on CPAN do build automatically on our
systems and are updated in the repository.
>> Once they are submitted, what is the process for keeping them up
>> to date and
>> posting the documentation?
>Via CPAN.  And then requesting that the ppm be updated.

An updated module should now appear in the PPM repository within 3 days of
being released to CPAN.  If it doesn't make sure that it *does* build and
test automatically with the latest ActivePerl release:

* make a fresh install of ActivePerl in a new location
* install *only* the modules listed in Makefile.PL in the PREREQ_PM
  section (make sure all of them are available via PPM as well!)
* Untar your module file into a clean directory
* Run the standard incantation:

  perl Makefile.PL
  nmake test

There should be no errors during this process, and no manual intervention

>> Is there a way to install my perl library's documentation into active
>> state's web documentation during the install process?

The PPM packages will contain HTML docs for all POD documentation in your
modules.  These HTML entries will automatically be linked into the
ActivePerl help table of content during installation via PPM.


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