----- Original Message -----
From: "$Bill Luebkert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >
> > I *have* had runs of 50 32's, but often there's a sprinkling of 33's
> > throughout. (Try about 500 iterations and there should be at least one
33 ).
> I'm not seeing that.

Wonder why that is ? Are you running the code for 'try.pl' as I originally
posted ? (From what you posted it looks like you are.)

> Here is one that outputs 1000 lines to a file
> and then when you give it an arg, it checks the lines in the file.
> I get no lines with other than 33 chars.  I added a newline and
> prevented embedded newlines just for the test - making each line 33.
> use strict;
> if (@ARGV) {
> open IN, 'out.txt';
> binmode IN;
> while (<IN>) {
> my $len = length $_;
> print $len, "\n" if $len != 33;
> }
> close IN;
> exit;
> }
> open OUT, ">>out.txt" or die;
> binmode OUT;
> for (1 .. 1000) {
> my @try = ();
> while (scalar (@try) < 256) {
> push @try, int rand (2);
> }
> my $vector = join '', @try;
> my $pack = pack 'b*', $vector;
> if (length ($pack) != 32) {
> print "ERROR\n";
> } else {
> $pack =~ s/\x0A/\*/g; # \n => '*' to prevent short lines
> print OUT $pack, "\n";
> }
> }
> close OUT;
> __END__

I'll try that out - though implementation of the idea relies on an
alteration to 'try.pl' (which means it's outside the terms of reference :-)

Thanks for the 'O_BINARY' reference. I did a google search for it and turned
up some code that looks like it should be binmoding stdout - judging by the
comments attached to the code and the fact that it compiles ok. I'm still
not always catching the expected number of bits - but I really don't know if
that's because stdout is *not* binmoded, or because of some bug in the code.
The executable is not behaving as it should - which is what got me curious
in the first place.

The lesson is:
*never* try to probe C code when the tailor-made print function that comes
with its library won't even work. (It gave Dr.Watson quite a workout.)


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