----- Original Message -----
From: "Hazan, Lynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 12:45 AM
Subject: String-Approx-3.19

> I am curently using the String::Approx 2.7 version but as I need to
> specified the starting and ending positions of matching I decided to get
> lastest version (3.19).
> Unfortunately I can not compile, I got the following errors :
> C:\String-Approx-3.19>make Makefile
> MAKE Version 5.2  Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
> Error makefile 689: Redefinition of target 'Approx.obj'
> Error makefile 696: Redefinition of target 'Approx.obj'
> Fatal makefile 785: No terminator specified for in-line file operator
> I currently working under windows 2000.
> Can anyone help me ?
> Lynn

To build perl using Borland, you need dmake. Borland's make just doesn't
work for perl .... so I assume you have AS perl ... and therein lies the

I haven't heard of anyone being able to successfully compile a module for AS
perl using anything other than msvc++ and

If you would like to try compiling perl using Borland, we can probably get
you started .... though I don't think there's anyone on this list with first
hand experience of doing it.

I won't speculate on what you should do because it depends on a large number
of unknowns (ie, unknown to me).
But with AS perl and no msvc++, you're going to have to find a ppm package
for any module that contains '.xs' source code.


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