> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wermström Emma"

> I don't understand why I have to modify @INC when Net/Telnet/Cisco.pm is
> already
> located in the default @INC-paths i.e. c:\Perl\lib and c:\Perl\site\lib?

Well .... normally you wouldn't have to do that. All that's (normally)
necessary is that the module exist in *one* of the @INC directories. But
this doesn't seem to be a normal situation - the module is not being found
in *any* of the @INC directories.

The fact that you're machine can find the module, but users can't makes one
immediately think of "permissions" issues - but I can't offer much beyond
that because I don't have experience with such issues. And I would have
thought that if it is a permssions issue then a "Permission denied" error
would show up somewhere.

Hopefully someone else can provide more definitive information.


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