Hello Perl folks,
I would like to know if there is an eloquent way of extracting a date string 
from a file.
My code goes like this:
   open (INFILE, "<$sourcedir\\$filename") || die "Can not open 
$sourcedir\\$filename $!\n";
   @filecontents = <INFILE>;
   close INFILE;
   @filecontents = map {chomp; $_} @filecontents;

# Within the file contents, look for the text, CurrentWeekLabel
# Here is a text sample.
#   <div style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; min-width: 750px">
#    <div style="OVERFLOW: hidden; HEIGHT: 20px; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><span 
id="CurrentWeekLabel">Week Of: </span><span id="StartWeekLabel" 
style="font-weight:bold;">2011/10/29</span><span id="Label6" 
style="font-weight:bold;"> - </span><span id="EndWeekLabel" 
#    <div style="OVERFLOW: hidden; HEIGHT: 24px; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><a 
id="PreviousWeekLinkButton" class="LinkButton" 
href="javascript:OnPreviousWeekLinkButtonClick ()" 
onclick="SelectWeekButtonClick('PopupCalendar1', 'SelectWeekLinkButton'); 
return false;" id="SelectWeekLinkButton" class="LinkButton" 
href="javascript:__doPostBack('SelectWeekLinkButton','')">Select Week</a><span 
id="Label8">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span><a id="NextWeekLinkButton" class="LinkButton" 
href="javascript:OnNextWeekLinkButtonClick ()" 
#    <div style="OVERFLOW: hidden; OVERFLOW:visible; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><span 
id="StatusLabel" class="StatusLabel"></span></div>
#   </div>
# Obtain the year, month and day following the text, StartWeekLabel
  @ans = grep (/StartWeekLabel.+\>(\d{4})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\<\/span/si, 
# Build the start date from the matches.
$start_date = $1 . $2 . $3
I was wondering if there was a neat way to avoid using @ans as a temporary 
variable, and extract the "2011/10/29" straight into $start_date so that 
$start_date = "20111029"
Thank you
Paul Rousseau
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