Hello Perl Community,
   I want to build a complex hash.
I want my hash structure to look like this:
# %project = (<projectno1> => [<projdesc1>,
#                                               <hourtotal1>,
#                                               %days1 = (<day x> => 
#                                                               <day y> => 
[<hours>, <desc>]
#                                                              )
#                                             ],
#                                              <projdesc2>,
#                                               <hourtotal2>,
#                                               %days2 = (<day x> => 
#                                                               <day y> => 
[<hours>, <desc>]
#                                                              )
#                                             ]
#             )

I am having trouble building up and populating the individual %days hash.
Here is what I have so far.
use strict;
my (
      $projectno, $desc,
$projectno = "12345";
"$desc = "testing first project";
$project{$projectno} = [$desc, "0"];   # zero hours

#later on, my code reads in some records such as 
# 3, 12, "painted a room"
# 5, 6, "added a chair"
# 14, 2, "made some calls"
# for, say, project "12345"
For my first test, I populated a smaller hash called %days.
for ($i = 1; $i <=3; $i++)
    ($day, $hour, $text) = split (',', <inline>);
     $days{$day} = ($hour, $text);
# now that I have finished populating a smaller hash, I want to copy the hash 
on to the bigger hash.
push @{$project{$projectno}}, %days;
Now I want to access the description field. So, if I know the project number 
and I know the day, how do I assign the description? So,
$projectno = "12345";
$day = "5";
# the next line fails to print out "added a chair"
print ${$project{$projectno}[2]}{$day};
I get the error, 
Can't use string ("3") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at 
c:\images\mactimesheet.pl line 40
1, <STDIN> line 1.
I believe that the third entry for each project number key is the %days hash.
I suspect I have a minor semantic error. I was hoping my print statement would 
have printed an array contaning (6, "added a chair").
The part, ${$project{$projectno}[2]}, I was thinking refers to the hash 
address; then the part, {$day}, is the key.
Then again, maybe I am going at it all wrong with the push statement.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
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