----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Dootson" <mark.doot...@znix.com>
To: "Sisyphus" <sisyph...@optusnet.com.au>
Cc: "perl-win32-users" <perl-win32-users@listserv.ActiveState.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: Why can't linker find CreateJobObjectA ?

> Hi,
> On 11/03/2012 23:52, Sisyphus wrote:
>> An afterthought or two:
>> It's a bug, right ? (It smells like a bug to me.)
>> Is it a bug in perl ?
>> I'm thinking that CORE/win32.h should be assigning the value associated
>> with the actual OS on which perl is running, rather than just assigning
>> the minimum supported value.
>> Cheers,
>> Rob
> I'm not so sure.
> Perl has to define the minimum it needs and it is really up to the coder 
> to define the minimum they need. I think what Perl does is reasonable.

Yeah, I'm still not sure either :-)

It just seems odd to me that it's up to the coder to know about this and 
take appropriate action - especially in this day and age, when things are 
supposed to just work.

And, I still find myself thinking that the CORE/win32. h assertion that 
_WIN32_WINNT == 0x0400 is just an out-and-out lie (on this Vista box). It 
certainly misleads the mingw.org (gcc-4.5.2) compiler.

> I think It would also be quite standard to put
> #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
> before any includes if you needed capability not included until XP.
> If Perl on Windows Vista defined a minimum of 0x0600 (or whatever it is) 
> then anything compiled that linked to libperl would possibly not run on a 
> Windows XP machine which would cause much more unexpected grief I think.
> The way things are, failures are up front at compilation time. If the 
> person doing compilation needs an explicit win version, they are fully 
> aware of the limits they are introducing. Done as #define _WIN32_WINNT = 
> current platform would cause many more failures at end user time. On 
> Windows, end users very often just get binaries.

Those are fair points, I think.
Perhaps they demonstrate that either:
a) Windows users should be compiling themselves, rather than relying on 
pre-built binaries;
b) suppliers of binaries should be providing separate binaries for the 
different Windows flavours;

but I really don't want to be the one who pushes *either* of those 
alternatives :-)

> For Inline::C you do of course want the opposite so I think your solution 
> on Windows is to either prepend #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0NNN to the code 
> being compiled or pass a -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0NNN to the compiler.

Yes, it's actually the latter that's currently needed. The former still 
places the #define (too late) *after* the inclusion of perl.h - which is 
perhaps something that Inline::C ought to address. (I'm thinking Inline::C 
ought really provide some option that enables one to place C code *before* 
the inclusion of EXTERN.h, perl.h and XSUB.h in the generated XS file.)

Thanks, Mark.
I don't intend to pursue this "bug" any further - for now, at least.


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