> Rob (2015-10-23, sisyph...@optusnet.com.au):  
> This is a very inactive list, and you may well get no helpful response to

> your request. 

thank you for the information regarding this mailing list.
I thought I'd start here, as this seems to be a problem closely related to
the inner workings of PerlNET (-> ActiveState).

> Rob (2015-10-23, sisyph...@optusnet.com.au):  
> That being the case, I would suggest posting to perlmonks (   
> http://www.perlmonks.org/?node=Seekers%20of%20Perl%20Wisdom ).  
> Another option might be a post to stackoverflow   
> http://stackoverflow.com/) - which is a forum I haven't tried, but one
> seems to be fairly well attended.

> Jason (2015-10-23, kirk...@hotmail.com):  
>To that end, if you do post the question elsewhere would you post a link to
your post back here.  I would like to read the resolution.

I now added some details to my question at the community site:  

And additionally posted my question to both PerlMonks and StackOverflow   
- since I'm not quite sure if this is more a perl or C#/.NET question:  

Some further details:

In the meantime I discovered that I can invoke methods on the passed COM
(`$obj`) object by using `InvokeMember` of ` System.Type ` which I initially
thought didn't work.

It does work if I specify *exactly* which overload I want to use and which
types I'm passing:

    use PerlNET qw(typeof);


Using this approach would mean rewriting the whole wrapped perl module. And
using this syntax..

Now I am wondering if I am losing both the advantages of the dynamic keyword
in .NET 4.0 and the dynamic characteristics of perl (with Win32::OLE) by
using PerlNET with COM objects.

It seems like my preferred solution boils down to some way of mimicking the
behaviour of the `dynamic` keyword in C#/.NET 4.0.  
Or finding some way of converting the passed COM object to something that
will be recognized as compatible with Win32::OLE.

Thanks again,

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