
> >The xsubpp compiler doesn't support C++'s template facilities.
> >We need to define typemaps for each template instance as follows:
> >
> >typedef vector<int> IntVector;
> >typedef vector<string> StringVector;
> >
> >IntVector           T_INT_VETOR
> >StringVector        T_STR_VECTOR
> With a little work I am sure we could avoid the typedef 
> and have typemap just say 
> vector<int>          T_VECTOR_INT
> vector<string>       T_VECTOR_STRING

It seems that Inline::CPP doesn't support a typemap like that.
I got the following enrror when didn't use typedef.

    Can't locate auto/main/test_int_vector.al in @INC...

The xsubpp doesn't consider C++ namespaces, and hence treat
vector<int> differently from std::vector<int>.
Therefore I think using typedef still have a little effectiveness.

> The structure there is a feature of vector-ness. The only 
> part that differs is the element to/from SV conversion.

Yes I knew that, but couldn't work out a solution.

> You cannot overload on return type unfortunately, so guts 
> a generic T_VECTOR might look like 
> template elemtype
> ....
>         elemtype elem;
>         sv_to_type(sv,elem);
>         var.push_back(elem);
> The fun part of that is trying to devise a template scheme so that element types
> of int, char, long etc do SvIV () while char *, string etc. do SvPV
> and float, double to SvNV(). Might be easier just to have a set of 
> overloaded functions:
> inline void sv_to_type(SV *sv,int &elem)    { elem = SvIV(sv) }
> inline void sv_to_type(SV *sv,double &elem) { elem = SvNV(sv) }

That's an interesting idea, but still has a redundancy.
I think I want to apply existing typemaps to each template element,
but it requires the xsubpp to scan code recursively, and process
additional task.
If I have a good idea for that, I'll try to write a patch for the xsubpp.

> It probably makes sense (it often does IMHO) to make the typemap call
> a function - that function can be in C++ part of the .xs file and 
> so be overloaded or templated in C++ way - but we need to find a way to 
> get $elemtype in this fragment:         
>         $elemtype dummy;
>         sv_to_vector($arg,$var,dummy)
> By looking at the xsubpp code we _may_ be able to find a way to fish 
> $elemtype out of vector<elemtype> 

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