I am building an embedded Perl scripting environment for a 3D modelling package. I have the basic scripting engine working (that was the easy part), but now my challenge is to be able to directly interface with C++ objects inside the application. What I really want to do is to be able to build Perl objects on the fly from live C++ objects. For instance, the user has the application running with an open document with a hierarchy of objects, and each level (application, document, object) has a certain scripting context associated with it (not too different from DOM, I think), so you can run, say, a script that modifies the behavior of a group of objects as they are being animated.

I found, on CPAN, an aborted attempt at creating a C++ interface to the Perl API, and that might be a good starting point, but I wanted to see if anyone else has ventured into this arena.

-- Brett

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