Marc Mettes wrote:

When I remove the -Bsymbolic option, the main cad executable displays a trivial message that the application (my .so with embedded perl) cannot be loaded. No other error messages are displayed unfortunately.

Another developer mentioned similar problems with this same API on linux and sgi without attempting to embed perl. There is a possibility that the problem is related to the way the main cad executable uses dlopen() itself, and may not be related to perl at all.

Sounds like it.

Useful tools for tracking this sort of problem down on Solaris (should
really be in a FAQ somewhere!):

$ ldd isv <file>
show run-time linker dependencies (works on executables and .so's)

$ dump -Lv <file>
Shows dynamic linker section of file (works on executables and .so's)
Look at NEEDED and RUNPATH/RPATH lines.

$ LD_DEBUG=libs <executable>
Show actions of run-time linker as the program runs.
Use 'LD_DEBUG=help /bin/echo' to see the full range of options available.
This can be tweaked up to the level where it shows the detailed processing
for each symbol resolution - but is *very* verbose!

Thanks for these suggestions, I will be looking into this and I will report back if anything proves successful.

truss is your friend too.

Alan Burlison

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