
I want to make my Win32 XS module ready for more than two languages. At this time it supports german and english. To switch between these two languages I use a function to get the language ID from the system and then I use the correct string from a structure. But if I want to add more languages (french, hungarian, taiwan, arabic, ... ) than I think to use a structure would be a bad idea, isn't it?
What would be the best way to do this?

Creating include files with defines for each language? But how do I load the correct one an runtime? Or have I to use language dll's which are loaded at runtime? But how can I create and load this?

The structure I use:

static const struct
        char *friendlyname_eng; //english
        char *friendlyname_ger; /german
        unsigned int id;
        int docsummary; // 1 Document Summary 0 Summary Information
} SummaryInformation[] =
        { "Category", "Kategorie", PIDDSI_CATEGORY, 1 },

Thank you,

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