Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi all!
>This is my first message to this list. To cut to the chase, I'm trying to 
>write a derived class from the "GD" distribution in CPAN ( 
> ). The code I have now is here:

I haven't unpacked that yet.

>(Note that I wrote it for work, so it may be considered an in-house code of 
>sorts, and not really open-source yet. But it's perfectly OK to look at it.)
>Now my problem is that I'm getting the following on "./Build test":
>t/01-object.......ok 1/10Can't locate auto/GD/ in @INC (@INC 
>contains: /home/shlomi/progs/perl/cpan/GD-PHPFilter-0.01/blib/lib 

Message suggests that AutoLoader is trying to create a sub new for you in GD.

>I inherit from "GD" and also have my own new() function (which I think is 
>unnecessary), so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

So does _your_ new call GD's new?
Do your code cause to be loaded?
XS code would normally create its 'new' in XS code not by AutoLoader. 

Also with GD one usually does 

   my $imgage = GD::Image->new(...)

rather than 
   my $imgage = GD->new(...)

So should you be inheriting from GD::Image rather than GD ?

>       Shlomi Fish
>Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Chuck Norris wrote a complete Perl 6 implementation in a day but then
>destroyed all evidence with his bare hands, so no one will know his secrets.

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