I've sort of moved away from recommending the automatic string
conversion typemap that is available to both Inline::C and
Inline::CPP, because it turns 100% of the responsibility for
understanding everything there is to know about Unicode over to the
C/CPP/XS programmer.  I could be wrong in this notion, but to me the
lure of simplicity in passing a Perl string to a c-string is deceptive
and while presenting a slight savings in code up front, will create a
need for a lot more hand-rolled code to support Unicode.

In my opinion (and I'd be happy to discover I'm wrong about this),
it's easier to pass the string-containing SV, *as an SV*, and then use
Perl's own string-handling "guts and API calls" to manipulate it.  I
realize that this somewhat defeats the "performance improvement"
purpose of dropping into XS, but strings are truly one of those areas
where Perl's native performance is as it is because it's doing so much
(most of which has become necessary in a Unicode world).


David Oswald

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