
I have a collection of Perl objects in an application.
I want a C program to have access to the data in these objects.
The objects are implemented as a package

The C application wants an object handle with which it can make C function calls and pass the object handle.

I have limited experience writing to the PerlApi, etc. I was hoping that each perl SV has some unique identifier (UID). The goal is to retrieve the UID, pass it as an integer or void * so I don't need to manage my own list of Perl objects.

I realize I could create new SV * and increment the reference count.
I would then need to keep track of these SV pointers in order to clean them up later.

I would hoping I could use a UID to create temporary SV * objects, perform a data access then decrement the reference count.

void get_dataInt(FOO * foo, int * value)
  // abbreviated Perl stack stuff
SV * pOjbect = newSV_VooDoo((someVooDooCast)foo); // a 32 bit value if I am lucky
  count = call_method("getData", G_EVAL | G_SCALAR);

  // error checking stuff
  *value = POPi;

Or something conceptually like that.

With out this I need to allocate my own C object with which to capture a reference to the underlying Perl objects.


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