hello world,

Years ago, i wrote MARC::Template (https://github.com/eiro/MARC-Template)
to ease the process of migrating data to koha ILS. We often use it at
biblibre (http://biblibre.com).

For a MARC to MARC migration, just making some manipulations CRUD manipulations
on fields, cleaning some data, moving some fields, API is an awfull waste of 
learn to manipulate perl structures is much more efficient imho.

For a more complex migration mixing data coming from multiple datasources and
multiple formats, or even to write some migration from MARC to a modern
biblio format, we're convinced that the job can be done better and faster
by adding a level of abstraction over MARC. What i mean about abstraction is
that the business programmer, as well as the librarian, don't carre about the
999$x field: he carres about authors, titles, year of edition ... That
can be partially done by a YAML driven Moose metaprogramming.

Actually: i personnally think that is would be possible to write a complete GUI
driven ETL able to deal with MARC.

At the very end of the process, we transform everything as MARC::Record
to use the MARC::Record serialization but the Frederic's lib can be a
good output for our libs. So is there a chance to specify a library
agnostic datastructure as a bridge for all your libs, a kind of PSGI for
MARC so everyone could import and export to this format so we can easily
mix all of them ?

simple proposition is: 

[ [qw/ 001 value  /] # example of control field
, [qw/ 005 value  /] # example of control field
, [ [qw/ 200 0 1  /] # example of data field
  , [ [qw/ a foo  /]
    , [qw/ b bar  /]
    , [qw/ a foo2 /]
    , [qw/ b bar2 /]
, [ [qw/ 200 0 1  /] # example of data field
  , [ [qw/ a foo  /]
    , [qw/ b bar  /]
    , [qw/ a foo2 /]
    , [qw/ b bar2 /]

Marc Chantreux
BibLibre, expert en logiciels libres pour l'info-doc

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