
I wonder why the hash structure you're proposing
doesn't match the MARC-in-JSON proposal,


At first glance, it looks to me that your structure
can't retain the order of fields or subfields.

I realize that it's a first release, but it looks like
the source is using modules that it isn't, well,
using, e.g.,  YAML, Carp, Scalar::Util::reftype.
But I may have missed something.



On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 4:56 AM, Paul Poulain <paul.poul...@biblibre.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are happy (and proud) to announce the release of MARC::Loader 0.001001
> It's a small lirary that transforms a hash into a MARC record.
> http://search.cpan.org/~reiveune/MARC-Loader-0.001001/lib/MARC/Loader.pm
> Feedback is welcomed either here or directly at p...@biblibre.com
> We plan to release some/many other tools around MARC in the next months.
> They are tools we use internally for our migrations.
> Hoping that will be usefull for many ppl !
> (you can send congratulations to Stephane D: That's its first cpan
> contribution ;-) )
> --
> http://www.biblibre.com
> Expert en Logiciels Libres pour l'info-doc
> Tel : (33) 4 91 81 35 08

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