On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Doran, Michael D <do...@uta.edu> wrote:
> I am migrating  a perl script from a server running perl v5.8.5 on Solaris 9 
> to a server running perl v5.12.2 on Redhat Linux 5.5.  The new environment 
> doesn't seem to like the syntax I'm using to open a file, and I'm scratching 
> my head over why that is the case.
> That part that is not working appears to be where it opens and reads a file 
> (a file which it will later append to).  The file that is being opened for 
> read and appending exists and contains data.
> This appears to be the relevant code:
>  open (my $DATEFILE, "+>>$date_file")
>        || die "Cannot open $date_file: $!";

The head-scratching behaviour you describe, where only the system call
outputs results, matches mine with perl 5.14.2. Maybe there's a
difference in the versions of perl on your two systems?

For what it's worth, "Mixing reads and writes" in perlopentut says
that you probably want:

open (my $DATEFILE, "+<", $date_file) ...

(and making that change to my copy of your script makes it work for me).

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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