Change 33888 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2008/05/20 15:44:38

        [ 33850]
        Subject: [perl #53500] op/pwent.t should use the DirectoryService on OS 
        From: "Tom Wyant via RT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 14:40:04 -0700
        Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Affected files ...

... //depot/maint-5.10/perl/t/op/pwent.t#2 integrate

Differences ...

==== //depot/maint-5.10/perl/t/op/pwent.t#2 (xtext) ====
Index: perl/t/op/pwent.t
--- perl/t/op/pwent.t#1~32694~  2007-12-22 01:23:09.000000000 -0800
+++ perl/t/op/pwent.t   2008-05-20 08:44:38.000000000 -0700
@@ -41,6 +41,71 @@
+    if (not defined $where &&          # Try dscl
+       $Config{useperlio} eq 'define') {       # need perlio
+       # Map dscl items to passwd fields, and provide support for
+       # mucking with the dscl output if we need to (and we do).
+       my %want = do {
+           my $inx = 0;
+           map {$_ => {inx => $inx++, mung => sub {$_[0]}}}
+               qw{RecordName Password UniqueID PrimaryGroupID
+               RealName NFSHomeDirectory UserShell};
+       };
+       # The RecordName for a /User record is the username. In some
+       # cases there are synonyms (e.g. _www and www), in which case we
+       # get a blank-delimited list. We prefer the first entry in the
+       # list because getpwnam() does.
+       $want{RecordName}{mung} = sub {(split '\s+', $_[0], 2)[0]};
+       # The UniqueID and PrimaryGroupID for a /User record are the
+       # user ID and the primary group ID respectively. In cases where
+       # the high bit is set, 'dscl' returns a negative number, whereas
+       # getpwnam() returns its twos complement. This mungs the dscl
+       # output to agree with what getpwnam() produces. Interestingly
+       # enough, getpwuid(-2) returns the right record ('nobody'), even
+       # though it returns the uid as 4294967294. If you track uid_t
+       # on an i386, you find it is an unsigned int, which makes the
+       # unsigned version the right one; but both /etc/passwd and
+       # /etc/master.passwd contain negative numbers.
+       $want{UniqueID}{mung} = $want{PrimaryGroupID}{mung} = sub {
+           unpack 'L', pack 'l', $_[0]};
+       foreach my $dscl (qw(/usr/bin/dscl)) {
+           -x $dscl or next;
+           open (my $fh, '-|', join (' ', $dscl, qw{. -readall /Users},
+                   keys %want, '2>/dev/null')) or next;
+           my $data;
+           my @rec;
+           while (<$fh>) {
+               chomp;
+               if ($_ eq '-') {
+                   @rec and $data .= join (':', @rec) . "\n";
+                   @rec = ();
+                   next;
+               }
+               my ($name, $value) = split ':\s+', $_, 2;
+               unless (defined $value) {
+                   s/:$//;
+                   $name = $_;
+                   $value = <$fh>;
+                   chomp $value;
+                   $value =~ s/^\s+//;
+               }
+               if (defined (my $info = $want{$name})) {
+                   $rec[$info->{inx}] = $info->{mung}->($value);
+               }
+           }
+           @rec and $data .= join (':', @rec) . "\n";
+           if (open (PW, '<', \$data)) {
+               $where = "dscl . -readall /Users";
+               undef $reason;
+               last;
+           }
+       }
+    }
     if (not defined $where) {  # Try local.
        my $PW = "/etc/passwd";
        if (-f $PW && open(PW, $PW) && defined(<PW>)) {
End of Patch.

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