Branch: refs/heads/haarg/ppport-no-compound-token-split-by-macro-warnings
  Commit: 0e41162d17fedf4d9e36b2eb1a44894a790da4b0
  Author: Graham Knop <>
  Date:   2022-11-01 (Tue, 01 Nov 2022)

  Changed paths:
    M dist/Devel-PPPort/parts/inc/misc

  Log Message:
  Devel-PPPort: fix STMT_START and STMT_END to not warn on clang

Since 7169efc77525df70484a824bff4ceebd1fafc760, perl's core STMT_START
and STMT_END macros no longer try to use brace groups, due to the
warnings they can generate and their very limited usefulness.

Update Devel::PPPort to always just redefine the macros to the new
simple non-warning versions.

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