Branch: refs/heads/haarg/libnet-uncustomize
  Commit: beb403cfda446fb305226449fbdecae54a508f4f
  Author: Graham Knop <>
  Date:   2022-12-10 (Sat, 10 Dec 2022)

  Changed paths:
    M Porting/
    M cpan/libnet/lib/Net/
    M cpan/libnet/lib/Net/
    M cpan/libnet/lib/Net/
    M cpan/libnet/lib/Net/
    M cpan/libnet/lib/Net/FTP/
    M cpan/libnet/lib/Net/
    M cpan/libnet/lib/Net/
    M cpan/libnet/lib/Net/
    M cpan/libnet/lib/Net/
    M cpan/libnet/lib/Net/

  Log Message:
  libnet: remove CUSTOMIZED entries and properly sync with CPAN

The customization in core was included in libnet 3.14, so the CUSTOMIZED
entries aren't needed. However, they weren't removed before 3.14 was synced
to core.

Remove the CUSTOMIZED entries and properly sync the changes from 3.14.

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