On Sat, May 21, 2005 at 07:49:04PM +0100, Dave Mitchell wrote:
> On Sat, May 21, 2005 at 04:25:10PM -0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > There is a bug in duping - GvHV() can end up pointing at garbage.
> I can reproduce it with:
>     our $foo : unique = 'abc';
>     use threads;
>     threads->create(sub { 1} )->join();
> It seems to be down to the code in S_gv_share(), which at clone time
> basically fills all unused slots (eg gv_hv) in the :unique GV with
> &PL_sv_no from the *parent* thread:

Surely that logic is pants, in that:

a: it should be PL_sv_no from the child thread
b: even PL_sv_no is wrong, because too much other code assumes that GVs
   point to the "correct" type.

Can a parent thread go away before its child? What happens if a child thread
creates a new unique GV, spawns a grandchild and then quits? Does this mess
with the assumptions of the :unique implementation?i

Nicholas Clark

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