>I've very rarely found cases where ?? was useful and // didn't work, and
>never in regular code.

>From the Camel:

    The C<??> operator is most useful when an ordinary pattern match
    would find the last rather than the first occurrence:

        open DICT, "/usr/dict/words" or die "Can't open words: $!\n";
        while (<DICT>) {
            $first = $1 if ?(^neur.*)?;
            $last  = $1 if /(^neur.*)/;
        print $first,"\n";          # prints "neurad"
        print $last,"\n";           # prints "neurypnology"

Nothing a SMOP can't address, but for one liners at the least, the
S part would seem to preclude the P part.  (Same for the -l line-mode


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