On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Hildo Biersma wrote:

> Don't impose your religion on others.  If people want 'this' instead of
> 'self', that should be just fine.
> It should be pretty easy to define the appropriate $ME-reader like this:
>   use ObjectStyle 'self';
> or
>   use ObjectStyle 'Java';
> for the appropriate, per-module scoped, definitions for:
> - self vs this
> - super vs SUPER vs base vs parent
> - DESTROY vs finalize vs destructor
> - default of 'private', 'protected' or 'public'
> and any others we can come up with...

I'm all for TMTOWTDOI but I really object to this idea.  I have enough to
deal with when reading other's modules without having to look for DESTROY
*or* destroy *or* finalize *or* I_am_dying *or* whatever.

Perl needs to walk a line between being flexible and remaining a language
where I can download something from CPAN and have some chance of
understanding it.

Maybe the following would be ok:

use self;  # otherwise object is in @_

That I could live with.  4 different sets of object names and special sub
names would kill me.


We await the New Sun

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