On 8/28/00 3:53 PM, Damian Conway wrote:
>> Too much B&D for a Monday?
> No. I *do* have sympathy with the desire for One True Way, but *only* if the
> access function is called C<self> (my own religion ;-).
> And *that's* the problem.

Yeah, there'll never be consensus on this list or in the community as a
whole, but I think I'd be happy with a small group of people (a group that
includes Larry, obviously) just plain picking something in this case.  I
mean, hey, who got to vote on % for hashes and such?  Rewind this list a
decade or so and we might see something like:

    use prefix (hash => '%', array => '@', ...);

being proposed because everyone can't agree on punctuation prefixes.
Okay, dumb example maybe, but you get the idea.  Choose or lose, as
the kids say on the MTV.


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