>>>>> "JH" == Jarkko Hietaniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I don't think we can do this immediately. Can you come up with the right
>> API and/or hooks that are needed so that it might be retrofited?

JH> I think language magic helping to do the user level data locking is
JH> a dead-in-the-water idea.  For some very simply problems it may work,
JH> but that support need not be implemented by internals.

I'm not advocating language magic. Just what level of support from the
core is needed to be able to do this properly. The inter-thread
communication and (the actual) locking would need to be in the core.
Other callbacks and notifications would be delivered by the core.

I think this is similar to what was done for perldb. Or what might
happen for n-D matrix/tensors/arrays/whatevers. A plugable replacement
module for doing transactions.

Though I don't think you would mind having

        sub mycritical : lock { .... } # critical section here.
        sub onlyone : method, lock { .... } # lock the object/class

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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