>   > Either last has to be extended with a return value or a new keyword
>   > is needed. I'm quite partial to yield. Which might be overloaded
>   > to work with lazy lists, continuations, and short-circuiting.
>   >
>   > yield EXPR - stop what I am doing now and give something else a
>   >            a chance to do its things. And while you are doing
>   >            that please take this EXPR from me.

>The problem is, C<yield> also means "..and when this code is next
>executed start at the line after this C<yield>".

>Which is *not* the desired semantics.

I don't quite see yeild as being that. I think more in terms of driving a car.
Give precedence to someone else but keep running, either way not quite the
best word... not bad but not optimium (if you're into making the word mean
what it does)

What about feign?

feign \'fa-n\ vb [ME feignen, fr. OF feign-, stem of feindre, fr. L
   fingere] to shape, feign - more at DOUGH 1a: to represent by a false
   appearance of : SHAM 1b: to assert as if true : PRETEND archaic  2a:
   INVENT, IMAGINE 2b: to give fictional representation to obs  3: DISGUISE,

This is a nice general word, and this keyword could be used elsewhere as
well... How about "a general means of short-circuting a block"?

skip is another word, but it seems to connote a loop. and we already have
words for those.
#!/usr/bin/perl -nl
$_="Gnxr 1-3 ng n gvzr, gur ynfg bar vf cbvfba.";&{$F[0]};sub t{*t=sub{};
return if rand()<.5;$_="Vg'f abg lbhe ghea lrg, abj tb.";&{$F[0]};$_=0;}
sub v{print map sprintf('%c', 2**7-2**2),(1 .. $0);}&v;}{$_++;$_--;$_||=4;
if($_>>2||($_<<2>12)){$_="Vainyvq ragel";&{$F[0]};last;}&t;$0-=$_;$_="Lbh jva";
die(&{$F[0]}) if !($0-1);$0-=$0%2?$0>2?2:1:$0<=5?$0>2?3:1:rand>.5?1:3;
$_="V jva";die(&{$F[0]}) if !($0-1>1);}&v __END__ http://pthbb.org/
MOTD on Prickle-Prickle, the 35th of Bureaucracy, in the YOLD 3166:

Were that I say, pancakes? --JP

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