On 10/26/02 7:24 PM, Simon Cozens wrote:
> To the innocent bystanders, I hope you're not buying any of this crap
> about Perl 6 being more "regular" or removing the "inconsistencies" of
> Perl 5.  It simply isn't true.

I was buying that right up until about a week or two ago when Larry emerged
from his cocoon and started pouring scary line noise into this list :-}

I've been trying to comfort myself by thinking that these are just the odd
corners of the language, and that this stuff will likely only be relevant to
people creating their own operators (or overriding existing ones).  Larry's
just thinking out loud, right?  Surely he'll eventually settle down and come
up with a sensible solution...right?  Right?!

Reading the threads from the past few days, I can't help but think of the
great "loss of '.' as the string concatenation operator" debates from the
past.  Some people were in favor of keeping it and requiring whitespace
where necessary to eliminate ambiguity, but the overwhelming consensus
seemed to be: "No, Perl 6 has to be much more regular than that!"

Fast forward to a little bit and we get "_" as the replacement operator,
which (surprise) requires whitespace where necessary to eliminate ambiguity.
Fast forward to today and we've got, well, this thread.  Seems like the ride
is getting bumpy...


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