Dan Sugalski [mailto:dan@;sidhe.org] wrote:
> At 6:50 PM -0800 11/6/02, David Whipp wrote:
> > Whenever a value passes through a primitive type, it
> > loses all its run-time properties; and superpositions
> > will collapse.
> What makes you think so, and are you really sure?

I was sure up until the time that I read your reply :).

Why? I guess its a case of ass/u/me; plus reading other
people's assumptions (e.g. Michael Lazzaro's initial
"Chapter", at cog.cognitivity.com/perl6/val.html).

If I am wrong, then I am in need of enlightenment. What
is the difference between the primitive types and their
heavyweight partners? And which should I use in a typical


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