On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 07:26:06PM +0100, Angel Faus wrote:
> For example:
>  my $x = 18;
>  my $y = -18;

        my $z = -256:234.254;           # negative number
        my $e = 256:-234.254;           # error

> Perl allows the underline character, C<_>, to be placed as a separator 
> between the digits of any literal number. You can use this to break 
> up long numbers into more readable forms. There aren't any rules to 
> it; you can use it however you like: 
>  123_456_000.000   (floating point)
>  2:0110_1000       (binary)
>  16:FF_88_EE       (hexidecimal)

        1_2_3_4______5___6   (absurd, but doable)

> You can use the C<_> separator too in Floating-Point numbers:

If you're going to mention _ in floating point numbers here, the above
floating point example should be moved to here or extirpated IMHO.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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