Jonathan Lang writes:
> My apologies for the break in the chain of responses; I lost your reply
> before I could reply to it, and had to retrieve it from the list archives.
> Luke Palmer wrote:
> > Well, "multi" is no longer a declarator in its own right, but rather a
> > modifier.  Synopsis & Exegesis 6 show this.  
> I don't know about Exegesis 6, 

Then you should probably read it.  It is the most recent of the
documents, so what it says is closest to the current thinking. Plus,
it's a fun read.

> but Synopsis 6 ( is still
> showing multi to be a declarator on par with sub, method, rule, and
> macro.  

Now that I look, yes, that's true.  It's wrong.

> > I think this makes things even clearer, and has a fine-grained but
> > elegant control over the "scope" of the routine.
> Agreed; I'd like something like this to be implemented.  
> > This easily allows for "multisubmethods" and even "multimacros"
> > (provided you have yourself a polymorphic object at compile time).
> For the record, subs never have invocants as currently described - so you
> could easily say that any sub that has an invocant is actually a
> submethod:
>    sub touch ($a: $b) {...}
> would be synonymous with:
>    submethod touch ($a: $b) {...}

Hmm.  Well, that depends on whether calling works like it does in Perl
5.  That is, given:

    multi sub touch (Foo $a: $b) {...}

Is this legal:

    my $x = new Foo;

I haven't been able to deduce this.

> > I also think it's important to say "multi" explicitly every time you
> > mean it.  It allows the compiler to warn you when you're just being
> > stupid about scoping as opposed to actually wanting to overload the
> > routine.  From a design perspective, it makes it clear that this method
> > introduces logical control-flow in addition to performing a task.
> That's probably good programming advice; but it should remain advice
> rather than being a requirement.  

Spoken like a true Perl programmer :-)

I don't see the win in losing the C<multi> keyword though.  Sure, there
are 5 fewer characters, but declarations aren't a place where concise
and terse are synonymous.  IMO, a colon is too small a character for
such a large distinction.  Misunderstanding the rule slightly can lead
to overriding instead of overloading...  reminds me of C++ [1].

> If you allow the distinction between a method and a multimethod to be
> determined implicitly, you can, if you choose, ignore the "submethod" and
> "multi" keywords altogether with minimal loss of capabilities: 
>    submethod touch ($a) {...}
>    multi watch ($a, $b) {...}
> would be equivelent to
>    sub touch ($_: $a) {...}
>    method watch ($a, $b:) {...}


[1]  While I haven't the hatred for C++ that quite a few people on this
list do, I definitely consider it an "advanced" language, by which I
mean there are subtle variants in the rules that cause wildy different
behaviors.  Beginners (and intermediates) still struggle with this one:

    class Base { 
        virtual int num() const { return 10; } 
    class Derived : public Base {
        int num() { return 20; }
    int main() {
        Base* b = new Base;  Base* d = new Derived;
        cout << b->num() << endl;  // 10
        cout << d->num() << endl;  // 10 !!

Now why the heck did the call to d->num() return 10??!!!  Because they
missed a C<const> in the overriding of num(), hiding it instead.  This
is precisely what would happen if you missed a colon in adding a
multimethod.  Sorry, I don't want to inflict this kind of pain on Perl

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