Piers Cawley writes:
> All of which means you can wrap it up in a macro and prove Simon's
> point about what's syntax and what's CP6AN:
>    macro unless_all( Block &test is parsed /<perl.expression>/,
>                      Block &consequence, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) 
>      { my $guard = Object.new;
>        for [EMAIL PROTECTED], $guard 
>          -> { when $guard { &consequence() ; last }
>               when &test { last } } }
> But I've probably got the signature slightly wrong. 

I think the only thing that's wrong with your signature is that you said
"macro" instead of "sub".  Well, and &test has to be finessed into an
executable block somehow, but we're not supposed to know how yet.

> Higher Order Functions/Methods/Macros are great aren't they? 

What a modern thinker!  Use a *function* to do a common task?  *What*
are you talking about!?  :-)


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