I was reading over some code that used the MIDI module, and saw the
C<write_to_file> method.  I began wondering, how does one report the
error if he feels like it, but let the module report the error if not,
in a concise way.

What about something along the lines of a C<catch> statement modifier,

    $opus.write_to_file($file) catch die "Couldn't write to $file: $!\n";

Which would be equivalent to:

    try {
        CATCH {
            die "Couldn't write to $file: $!"

It doesn't read quite as nicely as I'd like, but I think it could be a
very useful notation.  After all, if I have to type a lot when I'm
handling errors, I'll prefer not to handle them at all.

Which reminds me, if you throw an exception inside a CATCH block, does
it propogate outside to be caught by other CATCHes in the same block
that are lexically lower, or does it propogate outside of the enclosing
scope.  That might be a little confusing... for example:

    try {
        try {
            do_something();  # Throws
            CATCH { die "Foo" }
            CATCH { die "Bar" }
        CATCH { print "$!" }

Does that print Foo or Bar?


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