After a week of planning, and with plenty of help from clkao++, obra+ +, #jifty, #bps and #perl6, I'm glad to announce that Pugs now has a new, permanent URL for its subversion repository: (HTTP) (HTTPS)

Subversion users, please switch your working copy this way:

svn switch --relocate http://

SVK users, please update the mirror path:

    svk mirror --relocate //mirror/pugs

Commit bits are re-mailed to all existing committers and metacommitters; please set your password again by following the URL in the mail. If you have not received the new commit bit, please let me know on #perl6 or via email.

Metacommitters can now manage invitations with a prettier interface at, powered by CommitBit.

We are still working on restoring the read-only mirrors at openfoundry and Thanks to yet another a soon-to-be- announced open source product from #bps, we plan to turn them into full R/W mirrors, so we can distribute the load by setting up one replication server per continent.
Have fun!

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