Announce: Niecza Perl 6 v15

This is the fifteenth release of Niecza Perl 6, as usual scheduled on
the last Monday of the month.  No, it's not dead.

Niecza now passes more spectests than Rakudo, but that is not an entirely
fair comparison, and we have the feature matrix now which is much more
useful for such comparisons. [3]

You can obtain a build of Niecza from [1].  This build contains a
working compiler as a set of .exe and .dll files suitable for use with
Mono or Microsoft .NET.  If you wish to follow latest developments,
you can obtain the source from [2]; however, you will still need a
binary for bootstrapping, so you gain nothing from a "source is
better" perspective.

Niecza is a Perl 6 compiler project studying questions about the
efficient implementability of Perl 6 features.  It currently targets
the Common Language Runtime; both Mono and Microsoft .NET are known to
work.  On Windows, Cygwin is required for source builds only; see the
README for details.

    List of changes

[Major changes]

The Unicode character database bundled with Niecza has been updated to
version 6.1.0.

[Minor changes]

Constant folding which fails at compile time, since it cannot succeed, now
generates a compile-time warning. (idea from Darren Duncan)

Perl 5 interoperability has made progress. (Paweł Murias)

Proxy has been added.  (No real new functionality, just putting a specced
API on an existing feature)

Unused-variable warnings are now suppressed in the REPL.

Added KeySet, KeyBag; substantially improved Set and Bag. (Solomon Foster)

Set operators (both Texas and Unicode) are now available; it is now possible
to define operators in the setting beyond those defined in the grammar.

Added ability to define custom iffy and diffy operators.

Added $.foo(42) syntax meaning $(

@*INC internals have changed again.

Added Range.pick, Range.roll, &rmdir, &rungather. (Solomon Foster)

Added &run (uses GLib if available for more robust argument passing).
(Solomon Foster)

Compiler memory usage has been substantially optimized, approximately 40%
less used for CORE, with a small accompanying size improvement.

    Getting involved

Contact sorear in #perl6 or via the sender address of
this mailing.  Also check out the TODO file; whether you want to work
on stuff on it, or have cool ideas to add to it, both are good.


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