There was a flurry of activity on perl6-internals a few weeks ago
about creating/finding  a cross platform build system for building
parrot and perl6.

I'm trying to restart that discussion over here in perl6-build, to try
and get the collective mindset to put together a proposal for how this
might end up looking, so that a plan can be crafted to get there.

Right now, the build process (on UNIX-alikes) looks like this:

1) use perl5 to run, which generates a Makefile,
   config.h, and some perl5 modules.

2) run make, which runs a combination of perl scripts and the C

The perl5 dependency is expected to go away eventually, and there are
some people who would like to see the make dependency go away, so that
there can be a unified build process on all platforms.  

This means, that either:

a) parrot needs to bootstrap itself from some platform-dependent
   bootstrap script.  (and hopefully there would only need to be a few
   of these,, bootstrap-windows.bat,


b) An external build tool that runs on all the target platforms (which
   really means "all platforms" needs to be found.  Jam
   ( has been proposed as
   possibly the best option in this case.


c) A hybrid, where an external build tool is used to bootstrap a
   parrot/tinyperl6 based solution.


d,e,f, and g) There are always other options.

As I said above, I'm trying to trigger a discussion to build at least
an initial direction that we want to aim for.  People are already
running into porting issues with the existing system, and putting in
workarounds - lets try and head that off before it's too late. 

-R (either dropping a pin, or pulling it from the grenade.)


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