A few initial questions/comments on some small things -- I'll get
to the bigger constructs a bit later.  I'm an "outside-in" designer,
so I tend to work on the macro and micro levels until I meet in the

> rule identifier() { <<alpha>> \w* }

Does Perl 6 allow leading underscores in identifiers?  If so,
shouldn't this be

rule identifier() { <+<alpha>+[_]> \w* }


> rule open_expression_grouping() { \( }
> rule close_expression_grouping() { \) }
> rule open_argument_list() { \( }
> rule close_argument_list() { \) }

I'm not sure I agree with expression_grouping being defined in this way--
it seems to me that parens (and brackets and braces and dots) are being 
treated as operators (S03, S04), perhaps even "postcircumfix" operators 
if I understand what that means (A12).  So we need to be a bit careful

In addition to reviewing what's been done so far, I'll take a stab
at writing the rules for P6 rules.  :-)


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