On Wed Jul 23 14:56:05 2008, masak wrote:
> Using 'has' works in rakudo:
> $ perl6 -e 'class A { has $.x; method foo { say $.x } }; my A $a .=
> new; $a.foo'
> Object
> But using 'my' (to create a class attribute as per S12:616) doesn't
> work:
> $ perl6 -e 'class A { my $.x; method foo { say $.x } }; my A $a .=
> new; $a.foo'
> ...epic fail...
I've done enough to get class attributes in place so as to pass this
(and a good bit more besides). There's a bit more to do on them, but the
basics at least work now. So will resolve this ticket; if we find other
bits not working in relation to this, we can create more specific
tickets for those.



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