On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 08:28:14PM -0500, Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:
> Whether or not it is slow is not my concern.

Speed isn't (necessarily) the problem, although I'd prefer it if Perl wasn't
slow. *Size* is the problem. On-the-fly evaluation requires a compiler and its
associated environment, and that's a big beast.

> My concern is *can* we support it on architectures that don't have a native
> C compiler (i.e., the JVM).

So port GCC to the JVM, solving all your problems and a lot more besides.

It seems like everyone has their axes to grind on this one: Bradley thinks the
world must be built in Java, Nate thinks the world must be made of objects, I
think the world must be made of Unicode, I'm sure there's *at least* one XML
axe-grinder out there, and everyone else has got their axes that we haven't
found out about yet. 

The game is to build Perl without getting our heads chopped off.

I wish my keyboard had a SMITE key
    -- J-P Stacey

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